
About Us


Hey, Hey, Hey
I am Mel, from Sydney. Whilst still at school I received an assignment to create a 60's inspired outfit in which we had to show case at the end of the year. The design had a contemporary twist to it, which gave it a vintage feel to it and surprisingly, I received a phenomenal amount of feedback, and this essentially gave me the courage to share my work with you. Alongside my passion for fashion, I also love quirky and contemporary designs and art as I find them more interesting because it has multitude of meanings. I also love a good adventure. This means discovering new things such as culture, places and foods, especially cakes and coffee.

So, popped out the idea of LeftField Trend. This is a place where it will allow me to share my ideas and my passion for  for travelling but also our love for designs, arts and adventures with you, unlocking the secretes of towns, cities and countries all over the world just for you.

Hope you enjoy and have the ability to come on the journey along side with us.

Hey guys, 
My name is Courtney and i met Melinda Whilst at school, throughout our time we had come to realises despite the fact that we resembled yin and yang in some of our views, there were also many things that we shared. During our friendship i shared many of my crazy ideas and stories with her and we laughed at many of my misfortune. But it is friendship and adventure that allowed me to develop my somewhat unique view on the world (yes a little cheesy) I love my camera and I try to take it everywhere i go. photos can say a thousands word which is a good thing for me considering I am not the best at english so being able to share my view with others through pictures is an amazing idea to me. It was from my love of photography and the idea of being able to capture such beautiful moments that also lead me to my love of film another way to express emotion and teach with becoming boring. I love sitcoms and comedies as they allow many people despite whats going on to just laugh.  Therefore this opportunity to share my photos and films as well as share the amazing experience i have with a verity of people through this medium is an honour and I thank Melinda for giving me this opportunity

Thank you


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